Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Purpose of the Sunday School

Dr. Clarence Sexton of Temple Baptist Church, Powell, TN provided this list of items detailing the importance of Sunday School as a ministry of the local church.
  1. Honoring the Lord Jesus Christ
  2. Teaching the word of God
  3. Training faithful workers
  4. Caring for individuals
  5. Organizing the church to function as a body
  6. Teaching Bible doctrine
  7. Promoting revivals and special meetings
  8. Winning the lost and encouraging Christians
  9. Teaching the church to pray
  10. Teaching God's people to give to God's work
  11. Reaching the entire family
  12. Engaging in world evangelism
  13. Teaching the importance of obeying Christ in the local church ordinance of believer's baptism
  14. Teaching the truth of the local church ordinance of observing the Lord's Supper
  15. Teaching the place of the local New Testament church in the work of God
  16. Encouraging the memorization of the word of God
  17. Encouraging worship
  18. Providing an opportunity to serve the Lord in the local church
  19. Providing fellowship
  20. Developing a Christian world view that is based on the right theology as we look for and love the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ

What about you??? Will you be in Sunday School the next Sunday you attend church???

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