Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Devil's Beatitudes

If the Devil were to write his Beatitudes, they would probably go something like this;
  1. Blessed are those Christians who are too tired, too busy, or too distracted to spend a half a hour with God each day, or two hours once a week with their fellow Christians - they are my best workers.
  2. Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked to perform any small task at Church - I can use them.
  3. Blessed are those Christians that are "touchy;" sooner or later they will stop going to church - they are my missionaries.
  4. Blessed are those Christians who are troublemakers - they shall be called my children.
  5. Blessed are those Christians who are complainers - I'm all ears to them.
  6. Blessed are those Christians who are bored with the pastor's mannerisms and mistakes - for they get nothing out of his sermon's from God's word.
  7. Blessed is the church member who expects to be invited to his own church - for they are part of the problem instead of the solution.
  8. Blessed are those Christians who enjoy gossip - for they shall cause strife and divisions in the church that please me.
  9. Blessed are those Christians who are easily offended - for they will soon get angry and quit church and keep others from attending with their critical speech.
  10. Blessed are those Christians who do not give their financial offering to carry on God's work through the church - for they are my helpers.
  11. Blessed are those Christians who profess to love God but hate their fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord - for they shall be with me forever.
  12. Blessed are you when you read this and think it is about the other Christian and not yourself - I've got you!!!

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Blogger Sis. Julie said...

Oh boy!!! This is good!!! I'm afraid that the devil has alot of people that fit in these areas. Wow!! Great post Bro. Jim.

10:42 AM  

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