Friday, June 22, 2007

The Word of God is.......

(I was out of time earlier this week for a business trip, so please forgive me for not posting....)
  1. Inspired - a) It is God-breathed in its being given to man, b) It retains the designation of being inspired when God superintends its preservation, i.e. copies from the originals, copies from copies of the original, or translations into other languages from the originals or copies superintended by God, and c) God is sovereign in all that He does - One cannot deny preservation by God and still believe that God is sovereign; private interpretation at any given point is a usurping of God's sovereign preservation of His Holy Word.
  2. Inerrant - It is preserved accurately in its copying and translation.
  3. Infallible - It is completely truthful in all of its teachings.
  4. Immutable - It is unchanging because God is unchanging.
  5. Immaculate - It is beautifully sublime down to its minutest detail.
  6. Incorruptible - It is and will remain free from all impurities - corrupted copies and translations are the works of fallen men; men's privately interpreted "bibles" may contain portions of the Word of God but are never equal to the one and only "Holy Bible."
  7. Indispensible - It is absolutely essential to salvation and holy living after salvation.

I pray that this list above fully and accurately describes the book which you hold in your hand and which you call the Bible - God's written word to man. If not, friend, just exactly what are you reading and hiding in your heart as truth from God if your faith in that book which you hold in your hand can't match the list above???



Blogger Sis. Julie said...

This was a blessing to me Bro. Jim. You're forgiven for not posting. I haven't been real faithful to keep up with blogs this week. This week has been sorta crazy. I pray you and Stephen get to make it to campmeeting for a couple of days so the whole family can be together.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Teacherbug said...

Amen! Good post!

9:42 PM  

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