A Fundamentalist is wise.
A Fundamentalist is a stepping stone.
A Fundamentalist is a pre-millennialist.
A Fundamentalist is a creationist.
A Fundamentalist is a dispensationalist.
A Fundamentalist possesses spiritual discernment.
A Fundamentalist rightly divides the word of truth.
A Fundamentalist knows the meaning of leaven (Evil, False Doctrine).
A Fundamentalist believes the scriptures contain no error.
A Fundamentalist believes in the divine inspiration of the scriptures.
A Fundamentalist believes in the total depravity of man.
A Fundamentalist believes in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
A Fundamentalist believes in capital punishment.
A Fundamentalist believes in separation.
A Fundamentalist believes in Salvation by Grace plus nothing.
A Fundamentalist believes in Eternal security.
A Fundamentalist believes the Church is a lifeboat not a tugboat.
A Fundamentalist is a true Shepherd.
A Fundamentalist gives Christ the pre-eminance.
A Fundamentalist opposes the Charismatic movement.
A Fundamentalist refuses to compromise.
A Fundamentalist contends for the faith once delivered to the saints.
A Fundamentalist hinders Apostasy.
A Fundamentalist warns against false Religions.
A Fundamentalist exposes false prophets.
A Fundamentalist rejects the modern corrupt translations of the Bible.
A Fundamentalist repudiates false teachers and false teachings.
A Fundamentalist identifies by name moderates and liberals.
A Fundamentalist distinguishes between the Church and the Kingdom.
A Fundamentalist distinguishes between the Rapture and Revelation.
A Fundamentalist is God's salt and light in a corrupt and dark world.
A Fundamentalist is loyal to Christ instead of a denomination or program.
A Fundamentalist gives no place to the Devil.
A Fundamentalist holds the key that unlocks the prophecies of the Bible.
A Fundamentalist sows seeds of faith.
A Fundamentalist educates on complete truth.
A Fundamentalist does not support moderates and liberals.
A Fundamentalist suffers with Christ.
A Fundamentalist knows God's plan for the future.
A Fundamentalist believes in a literal Hell.
A Fundamentalist has Bible convictions.
A Fundamentalist believes in a personal Devil.
A Fundamentalist warns of alcohol, tobacco, rock music, gambling, etc.
A Fundamentalist is courageous in the battle for truth.
A Fundamentalist suffers for Christ.
A Fundamentalist stands with Christ.
A Fundamentalist shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
A Fundamentalist desires to be holy.
A Fundamentalist is a servant.
A Fundamentalist is consistant and immovable.
A Fundamentalist loves the brethren.
A Fundamentalist desires to be filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit.
A Fundamentalist has a new song.
A Fundamentalist is not easily offended.
A Fundamentalist lives each day for His Saviour.
A Fundamentalist submits to authority.
Excellent Post.
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