Speak My Words Unto Them
Ezekiel 2:7 And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious.
As a young adult, Ezekiel was among the thousands taken captive by the Babylonian army and exiled to Babylon. There God revealed Himself to Ezekiel, and called him to be a watchman and prophet to the captives of God’s rebellious people. His responsibility was simple and clear: “thou shalt speak my words unto them.” This is still the responsibility of God’s watchmen. We are to speak His Words unto the people. People need to hear the Words of God. They need to know the truth. We all have realized that everyone does not necessarily have an appetite for the Word of God. There are those who claim to know the Lord who are not actively seeking to know God’s will. Multitudes are steeped in religion, yet are ignorant of what the Bible says. And so many others are simply blind to the ways of God. We are to speak God’s Word unto them. Thank God we have His Word! The Bible contains the full revelation of God’s Word and His will for mankind. We can speak with others confidently, knowing that what we are sharing is not our opinion, but the very Word of God. God warned Ezekiel that the listeners might not always be interested. We should not be surprised or discouraged when people are complacent, critical, or calloused toward God’s Word. Such has always been the case. Our responsibility is not to make sure they listen or appreciate the message, only that they hear the message. The Lord said of those Ezekiel would preach to, “they are most rebellious.” The same could be said of some that we will speak to. They are not simply ignorant or unlearned; they are willfully disobedient. However, even the rebellious need to hear. In every way possible, we must attempt to get God’s Word to the people. Primarily, we are to personally tell those we can of the message God has for them. It is both a message of love and mercy, and a message of pending judgment. We should also invite people to church that they might hear God’s Word, and give out gospel literature that others might hear. Like Ezekiel, our Lord has given us an assignment and purpose for our lives. We are to communicate God’s truth to our generation. Whether they receive or reject makes no difference. Our responsibility is to make certain that they hear it.
A devotional thought by Pastor Smith of Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Labels: Devotional, Evangelism, The Word of God, Words of Warning
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