Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sensible Soul Winning

(This is from our church visitation newsletter "Go Ye" which provides practical advice and helps regarding soul winning during our scheduled church-wide visitation. We usually have between 25 to 40 each Thursday night who goes out to share the Gospel in our community. A visitation night at church is good, but we need to remember to share the Gospel each day with those who God allows to cross our path or be a part of our life that day.)
  1. Go two by two.
  2. Go with a different partner each week.
  3. Go determined.
  4. Go believing.
  5. Pray for a specific place to go.
  6. Stop the first person you see on the way.
  7. Stop everyone you see on the way.
  8. Men stop men and ladies stop ladies.
  9. Always be kind and courteous.
  10. Before talking to a child, ask their parents for permission.
  11. If you don't find anyone on the street, park the car, get out and start knocking on doors.
  12. If all the lights are out in a house, don't knock on the door of that house.
  13. When you find someone to talk to, introduce yourself and hand them a tract.
  14. If they don't want to take a tract or they are not interested in hearing what you say, move on politely.
  15. Tell them where you are from and what you are doing.
  16. Don't surround the person you are talking to or back them up against a wall.
  17. If they are interested, ask the question and present the plan of salvation.
  18. Don't argue or debate your position. It's called confrontation soul winning, not combative soul winning.
  19. If the Holy Spirit brings conviction and they get saved, take the time to give them assurance verses.
  20. Always ask them to come to church with you and make arrangements to pick them up.
  21. Keep following up on them until they come to church or they tell you not to come back.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree and the Bible says this is what we as Christians are called to do. (This is what it is all about) I think there would be alot more soulwinners if they realized the simplicity of it. It is not something that should be taken lightly but Its not our job to do the convicting it is our job to go.

9:36 PM  

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