Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pascal’s Wager - Something to Think About

Blaise Pascal was a 17th-century Christian, scientist and philosopher. “Pascal’s Wager” can motivate the non-believer to consider the importance of investigating the reality of God’s existence. Pascal said that there are one of two truths in the universe, and one of two ways to live in relation to those truths. The Truths: Either God exists, or God doesn’t exist. The Two Ways to Live: You can live as if God exists, or you can live as though God does not exist. Combining these two we come to the following conclusions:
  • If God doesn’t exist, and you live as though He doesn’t exist, you have no losses.
  • If God doesn’t exist, and you live as though He does, you have no losses but gain the advantages of a better life.
  • If God does exist, and you live as though He doesn’t you lose big time.
  • If God does exist, and you live as though He does, you have no losses and gain everything.

Which of these conclusions is the pattern of your life??? If you believe maybe you have chosen the wrong conclusion in your life to date, it's not to late to choose another conclusion!!! How you spend eternity will be solely be your responsibility of how you led your life!!! You can't "pass the buck" on others or blame your circumstances; you alone are responsible for the choices you make in life - no excuses!!!!!



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